MULTIPLE-CHARACTER PORTRAIT ILLUSTRATIONSDrawing multiple characters from the same story for personal or commercial use is another area I enjoy because there are so many more opportunities to convey the story’s setting and direction via the different accessories, clothing, and appearances of the characters. With these I really want to know the little details of important sigils, weapons, status symbols, and clothing that suits the lifestyle of each character. Once I have these details, a brief story synopsis, page dimensions, and a short written description of each*, I turn them in for 1 round of edits before sending the finished product as a digital file for print or web. My small signature square is placed in the corner of each piece commissioned for personal use.
Any pieces commissioned for publication purposes are not signed but I do ask that name credit is given in copyright page and social media posts promoting these pieces give credit via tagging or mention. Rate is $100 per illustration for personal use, and $125 per illustration for publication/promotional use. 1 round of edits is included in this fee; edits beyond this are an additional fee. *The written description of each character can be up to a page long. I will read author-selected excerpts if it helps me understand the story better, but I do not usually read full ARCs as part of the research process. |